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Sunblock is one of the most important skin care. I already knew about that but apparently, I am not the kind of person who can just use it diligently even though my mom told me to use it every day. I found lots of new dark spots on my right side of face—because the window is on my right side, and my right face was exposed to the sun rays more often. This is the turn point of my sunscreen life. Now I use it every day.

Then again, I found out that my usual sunscreen contained paraben in it. I have to be more conscious about every ingredients in my skin care because... almost all of my old skin care actually contain parabens! -__-

I searched a lot in the internet about a non-paraben and natural sunblock. Kiss My Face's Sunscreen Face Factor 30 SPF.

Sunscreen | No Color | 9.95 USD | Website

They actually have the 50 SPF, but this product gained a lot of review, more than the 50 SPF, so I decided to buy it.

This product promised no paraben, no oxybenzone, no SLS, no nano minerals. It also said that most of it's ingredients are natural!

In case if you want to read the ingredients carefully....
Cruelty free! Yaay!!

The first time I saw the packaging, I thought that this was not to use on my face. I was also expecting it to be condensed but it actually wasn't. (ノ^∇^)

Probably because it contains hydresia extract which also moisturizes my skin, it's not sticky at all! This sunscreen was easily absorbed into my skin and it didn't leave any white traces that usually sunblock left behind. I don't smell any significant fragrant. It just smell like any other sunblock.

I feel like my skin became softer after I used this product continuously. 30 SPF is actually enough for me (my suggestion: always use sunscreen that has more than 15 SPF :D). I was afraid that my face would become oily after I used this but it's not.

And it's less than 10 dollars!

But it's probably kinda hard to find in Indonesia. Personally, I've never heard about Kiss My Face before. If you know where to buy this product in Indonesia, please tell me. :D

In conclusion (score: 5/5):
+ Moisturizing
+ No paraben
+ Natural ingredients
+ Absorbed quickly to my skin
+ No fragrance
- Probably kinda hard to find in Indonesia

I am in love with this product. Best sunscreen that I've ever used in my life until now. I'll definitely restock and buy it again~

I recommend you to use sunscreen regularly. I know how lazy it is, even though I do not go out from my room, I still have to use it (because of this big window beside me). But trust me, the dark spots are more annoying than using the sunscreen every day (」゜ロ゜)」

That's all from me! Stay positive, be creative. See you next time~

Gabriela Tio.


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