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I didn't know why it never came to my mind to use face mist. I had seen a lot of ajumma in Korean drama using facial mists and I usually would just laugh of it. However, even since I experienced winter in Korea, I felt my skin really dry. It's not winter right now, I know, but when I thought that during summer I wouldn't need something like a face mist, I got internship and spent my days inside a room with full air conditioner. My skin dried quickly and I knew I had to do something. So, I tried this product.

My first face mist in my life, Innisfree's Canola Honey Jelly Mist.

Face Mist | No color | 10.000 KRW | Korean Site

I picked honey again! Can't resist those sweet smell... Innisfree has a lot of face mist which because it was my first time picking a face mist, I picked the one that smelt the best. Hahaha, I should have picked the most moisturizing one or best seller probably.

Anyway, this product was presented without a packaging box. Simply just like that.

They put the English descriptions and ingredients nicely here—so I don't need to translate it in my head when buying it—which was very nice, considering a lot of Korean products didn't put much English words to their packaging.

It's only 80 ml so it's small and easy to carry everywhere. I bring this face mist everywhere now. Practically it's moisturizing—if it's not then what's the use of it, right?—I pressed it once or twice to my face and it would freshen my day again. One day I used it too much and it became... over moisturized, almost like having an oily type of face.

In conclusion (score: 4/5):
+ Freshen your face
+ Kinda moisturizing
+ Smells nice
+ Easy to bring everywhere
- Used it too much once and it made my face felt oily

Will I buy it again? I want to try another Innisfree product so for now probably no, but this product is good.

Now Autumn is taking over the weather. The wind is chilly even though the sun shines so bright. I have to be more diligent using lotion because my body feels really dry. I can't wait till it totally takes over Busan in red!

I don't know why but it's really weird. I tried to edit these photos a few times but after I saved it, the color didn't change at all. I wonder why...

Anyway, see you on the next adventure~

Gabriela Tio.


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